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Stanford Advanced Materials
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Stanford Advanced Materials {{item.label}}



Stanford Advanced Materials is a highly experienced supplier of 6,000+ advanced materials to key industry players in aerospace, technology, medical, energy, and numerous other fields. From R&D stages to bulk production, we are fully equipped to offer any size company with unparalleled product support and customer service. Nearly two decades of industry insight and global supply chain knowledge, ensure you receive premium quality materials, at competitive market rates.


Stanford Advanced Materials supplies high-quality and consistent products to meet our customers' R&D and production needs. By frequently visiting these manufacturers and understanding their production, quality control, administration, and management sections, we have carried out faithful cooperation over the years and built profound working partnerships with our customers. As such, we are confident that SAM will be your favorite material supplier and business partner.

Who We Are

Stanford Advanced Materials is a highly experienced supplier of 6,000+ advanced materials to key industry players in aerospace, technology, medical, energy, and numerous other fields. From R&D stages to bulk production, we are fully equipped to offer any size company with unparalleled product support and customer service. Nearly two decades of industry insight and global supply chain knowledge, ensure you receive premium quality materials, at competitive market rates.

Our Materials

Our veteran team of industry experts has spent decades identifying hundreds of skilled dependable manufacturers around the United States and the world. By building profound industry partnerships, we are able to offer an ever-increasing number of materials to meet our customer's fluctuating supply needs. Frequent visits to our partners locations, ensure we closely monitor the material, production, and quality control standards.

Our Promise

Stanford Advanced Materials' promise is to provide each and every one of our customers with the same high-level customer service and ethical business practice the company was founded on. We are committed to helping companies simplify their material sourcing processes, with a dedicated service team available to process requests, questions, and orders in a transparent and timely manner.


As a leading manufacturer and distributor of advanced chemical materials, focus is critical. That's why SAM is organized into six specialized divisions, each relentlessly tackling the unique challenges demanded by specific applications. Our unwavering commitment to progress and innovation drives us to create the future of materials science. At the same time, we maintain a steadfast dedication to quality, environmental stewardship, and the responsible use of resources. Embedded in our foundation is a commitment to customer satisfaction, ensuring that our solutions not only meet but exceed your expectations.

Stanford Magnets provides high-quality magnets, assemblies, motors, and thin metals for various demanding markets. We offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs.
Stanford Chemicals provides hyaluronic acid powder, botanical ingredients, vitamins, organic chemicals, as well as phytochemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates, and catalysts.
Stanford Materials Corporation, established in 1994, supplies rare earth oxides, metals, alloys, advanced ceramic materials, and minerals to research and development sectors worldwide.
SAM Sputtering Targets supplies high-quality sputtering targets and evaporation materials for research and production needs, including metals, alloys, rare earth oxides, and ceramics to meet the demands of various industries.
Advanced Refractory Metals offers international standard refractory metal products available in various dimensions. Our product line includes powders, wire, plate, sheet, and rod.
Advanced Ceramic Materials (ACM) Corporation provides a range of ceramic materials, including Boron Nitride, Alumina, Boron Carbide, Lanthanum Boride, Zirconia.


SAM is proud to be recognized by numerous leading media outlets and industry leaders. Our innovative material products are regarded as benchmarks in the industry, providing outstanding solutions across aerospace, technology, medical, energy, and more.


Merci d'avoir réparé nos pièces en titane ! Notre fournisseur précédent ne pouvait pas rendre ces pièces droites, bien que nous ayons travaillé avec lui pendant de nombreux mois pour résoudre le problème. Stanford Advanced Materials savait exactement comment résoudre notre problème. Les pièces ont été droites et plates à chaque expédition et nous avons maintenant passé une commande globale.

Grand fabricant de biens d'équipement du Midwest américain

Nous avons commandé nos tubes en zirconium à Stanford Advanced Materials parce qu'on nous avait promis une livraison deux fois plus rapide que les autres offres concurrentes. Lorsque nous avons reçu les pièces, non seulement elles ont été livrées à temps, mais la qualité était excellente. Nous recommandons Stanford Advanced Materials comme une entreprise qui tient ses promesses !

Premier producteur américain d'échangeurs de chaleur spécialisés

Stanford Advanced Materials a expédié des cibles de pulvérisation de haute qualité à mon étudiant de troisième cycle à temps pour que nous puissions terminer notre projet et rédiger notre rapport à temps pour une conférence importante. Nous avons été très heureux qu'elles soient livrées si rapidement.

Professeur/conseiller d'étudiants d'une grande université technique européenne

Je suis heureux d'avoir trouvé Stanford Advanced Materials juste à temps. Les ingénieurs ont rapidement compris mes conditions de fonctionnement et m'ont recommandé les céramiques adéquates pour mon application à haute température et à choc thermique élevé. Grâce aux ingénieurs de Stanford Advanced Materials, mon personnel bénéficie d'un meilleur rendement, de coûts réduits et d'une efficacité accrue.

Président d'une start-up du Midwest américain spécialisée dans la fabrication de nanomatériaux

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